Transcribed with English Closed Captioning (CC)
Click the linked time (##:##) below to go to Vimeo - then click play to jump to location.
Diabetes and Edema in the Legs (Peripheral Approaches: Inversions, Upavistha Konasana, Baddha Konasana) (3:41)
Legs Squeezing in Supported Gomukhasana (4:46) and Classic Gomukhasana (5:45)
The circulation of the blood goes three times through the entire body in one minute. So that's why longer timings are good to have more circulation. (7:42)
‘Yoga Asana Anatomy’ By Dr. Hermann Traitteur (9:24)
Sequencing Halasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Shoulder Balance Family (12:08)
Incorrect Viparita Karani (12:33)
The Pancreas and Twists (13:11)
Twists in the Chair (14:03)
Anantasana for Shoulder Problems (15:18)
Hip Replacements (18:15)
What is their limitation with the replacement device? How can you make them feel stable and secure in all categories of poses?
Choking Sensation & Trouble Swallowing in Jalandhara Bandha (25:25)
Hamstring Savasana & Avoiding Poses that Pull (28:21)
Belt Safety to Avoid Cutting off Circulation (30:22)
Subtlety/Sukshma in Tadasana (32:11)
Trouble Sleeping After a Backbend Practice (35:14)
Citta Prasadanam in Backbends (36:34)
Stiff Knees and Virasana Variations (40:33)
Knee in Long Holds of Virasana & Plantar Fasciitis (45:34)
Imbalances and Aging (46:58)
Hip Bursa (49:54)
Thyroid Problems (50:35)
Hypothyroidism (52:19)
Soft Throat and Neck in Trikonasana (52:55)
Fractured Metacarpal (54:31)
Strengthening Bones (58:10)
Practicing with Imbalanced Issues on Left and Right Sides of the Body (1:00:37)
Acceptance and Indifference (1:02:42)
Deviated Septum, Polyps (1:05:37)
Unhealthy Mouth Breathing (1:07:06)
Padmasana Ankle Pain - Knee Tightness (1:08:31)
Classical Alignment of Ardha Chandrasana (1:11:35)
Chaturanga Dandasana (1:16:54)
Time of Day to Practice (1:20:27)
Teaching without Detail for Mental Illness (1:21:08)
Headache, Heavy Bleeding, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Anemia (1:23:38)